Kay Carl
Elementary School
Principal: Tenisha Brunetti
Assistant Principal:
What is the SBAC test?
Smarter Balanced is a state-led consortium who developed assessments that align to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness. The Consortium consists of educators, researchers, policymakers, and community groups to help all students thrive in a knowledge-driven global economy.
The Smarter Balanced assessment system is a computer adaptive test (CAT) for both the mandatory summative assessment and the optional interim assessments. Computer adaptive testing adjusts to a student’s ability by basing the difficulty of future questions on previous answers, providing more accurate measurement of student achievement, particularly for high and low-performing students.
The bottom line is that our students need to be prepared. This test requires many technology skills, in addition to students needing to be proficient at word processing. These skills are currently being taught during the computer rotation at Carl ES. This website was created for students and parents to have resources and websites to use to allow students to prepare for the SBAC assessments in the spring of 2015.
The SBAC will be administered in the spring of 2015 to all Kay Carl students in grades 3-5. Although students in these grades have already begun preparing for this assessment, all students in grades
1-5 have been introduced to and have learned test-specific vocabulary and navigation tools for the SBAC.
Below is the checklist for the technology skills the students need to effectively navigate the SBAC Assessment. Although many of the skills are basic (manipulating the mouse, playing, stopping, pausing a video, etc...), some of the requirements of the SBAC Assessment need to be taught, practiced, and mastered.
SBAC Skills Check List
*This checklist was created by the Middletown Public Schools Technology Department by taking and noting technology skills needed to perform the SBAC practice field test. The following resources were also used as guides and references:
Technology Skills Checklist for Online Assessment’ by the University of Kentucky and CAST
Mount Vernon City School District Instructional Technology Curriculum Guide
Regional School District 13 K-6 Technology Integration Curriculum
Students can easily access the SBAC Practice test by clicking on the link below. All students in grades 3-5 will take the ELA Training Test for grades 3-5, in addition to the Math Performance Task for their specific grade level at school. Just sign on as a "GUEST" and try it! This will give you an idea of what the expectations are for this assessment.
SBAC Practice Test
Resources for Engaging Parents and the Public
This two-page flyer—available in both English and Spanish—was developed by The Aspen Institute to explain what the standards are and why they are important for improving public education.
The Council of the Great City Schools developed a three-minute video—available in English and Spanish—that gives a brief introduction to the CCSS and that explains how the standards will help students prepare for college and career. The style and accessible language make these videos well-suited for presentations to community and parent groups.
The Hunt Institute and CCSSO developed this series of videos featuring the authors of the standards discussing the development process and how the standards impact students.
Council of the Great City Schools Parent Roadmaps for English Language Arts and Literacy and for Mathematics
The Council of the Great City Schools developed parent roadmaps that provide grade-by-grade information for parents about the expectations of the CCSS, including examples of topics and content at each grade level and tips on supporting learning at home.
The National PTA created guides in English and Spanish for grades K-12 to inform parents about the CCSS and support their children’s success. The guides outline the key concepts that students should be learning in each grade in English language arts/literacy and mathematics, methods for building relationships with teachers, and tips for planning for college and career.