Kay Carl
Elementary School
Principal: Tenisha Brunetti
Assistant Principal:
Watch our School Procedures Videos
Drop Off & Pick-Up
At Kay Carl, we are committed to your child's success. Here is some general information that explains how our school works. If you don't find what you're looking for here, give us a call.
What is it like to go to school at Kay Carl?
Read what kids have to say about going to school here.
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
School Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:26 p.m.
Gates Open: 8:55 a.m.
School starts: 9:15 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:26 p.m.
Students are not to arrive at school before 8:55 a.m.
Students arriving after 9:20 will be considered tardy.
Specials Calendar
Attendance Policy
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure student attendance. On the first day of return after an absence, a student should bring a written note explaining the absence. The note must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Student Safety
When picking up students, parents should wait until the teacher has officially dismissed the class from the designated areas. Students should walk safely to and from school, crossing streets only at the corner. It always best to walk with someone else. Students should immediately report a suspicious stranger or unusual incident to the office.
Emergency Situations
When there is an emergency on campus we place a high priority on protecting the safety of our students and employees. In emergency situations, if everyone knows what to do, all involved can Stay Calm and Stay Safe. Please inform yourself by clicking on the link so you and your child can stay safe during an emergency. Guide to Staying Safe
Visitors & Volunteers
Visitors are required to check in at the front office when entering the building. In order not to interrupt the educational process, arrangements need to be made in advance to visit a classroom. At Kay Carl Elementary School, we truly appreciate having parents, guardians, grandparents, community and business volunteers.
SB 287 now requires all volunteers to be fingerprinted if they have unsupervised OR regular contact with students. Regular is defined as at least four times a month.
If you are a volunteer who has unsupervised or regular contact with students, you can read more here:
Volunteers can start the online application process here.
For more information please visit the CCSD Website.
Give us a call:
Dress Code
Students are expected to follow CCSD's dress code regulations. Click for dress code regulations.
Birthday Procedures
If you choose to bring a treat for your child's birthday please remember: Small store bought snacks will only be served in the lunchroom. Click here for more info!
On campus, the Las Vegas Parks and Recreation Department offers a Safekey Program before and after school hours. It is suggested that parents & guardians sign children up at the beginning of the school year, so that if an emergency should arise, a child can be safely placed in Safekey. Morning Safekey hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. After school hours are from 3:26 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Children can be enrolled by visiting www.lasvegasnevada.gov/safekey.
Health Services/Medication
Students who become ill at school will be sent to the office to see the First Aide Safety Assistant (FASA). If the illness or possible injury is of such a nature that the student needs to go home a parent will be notified immediately. A school nurse is available on a limited weekly basis. If a student needs to take prescription medication during the school day, a medical release form must be completed.
Parent Volunteer Committee
While we don't have a PTA or PTO, we have a parent volunteer committee. Indeed, we're always looking for parents and guardians to help our school. There are events to be planned and efforts like sight word testing. For more information, email kaycarlvolunteers@gmail.com.
Library Books
Library books are loaned to students free of charge. Students are financially responsible for lost or damaged books. Fines are determined by Mrs. Haddad.
Chromebooks are loaned to students free of charge. Students are financially responsible for lost or damaged Chromebooks. Fines are determined by CCSD. Fine Prices (Prices are subject to change)
Emergency Data
It is essential for the school to have your home, work and emergency telephone numbers. Any changes need to be given to the office as soon as possible. Your cooperation in this matter is of vital importance.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parents will be asked to attend one formal parent-teacher conference during the school year. Other conferences may be requested by a parent or teacher as needed.
Grading Policy
Grade Book Category Weighting
Clark County School District has initiated a Grading Reform and we want you to know how it impacts you and your student here at Kay Carl. Grades will be based on academic standards, not learner behaviors. Formative tasks (classwork and quizzes) will have a weight of 15% in the gradebook and summative tasks (tests and culminating projects) will have a weight of 85%.
Grading Scale
Missing/Late Work
Assignments and tests that have not been turned in will be marked “M” in the Grade Book. The mark “M” in Infinite Campus is used to document an assessment or assignment that is missing and has not been submitted. The mark “M” is a score of 50%. Students will have two weeks from the date the task was assigned to submit the assignment or test. If an assignment or test has not been turned in within two weeks, the “M” will remain in the Grade Book and the score will remain a 50%. If the student does submit the assignment or assessment within two weeks from the date the task was assigned, the “M” will be replaced with a score reflecting the student’s academic performance and the “L” flag will be added to the assignment to monitor the student’s behavior separate from the academic grade. The “L” has no weight in the Grade Book. The Missing Work Guide for Families will assist you with how to use the Campus Portal app to monitor grades.
Homework carries no weight in the Grade Book and is used for practice or as an extension of learning.
Reporting Behaviors
Behavior and other nonacademic measures are reported separately in the Grade Book as Success Indicators, also known as citizenship. This rubric informs you of how these measures are scored.
Reassessment Opportunities
Students have the opportunity to redo any assignment or test one time after re-teaching by the teacher or evidence of learning is provided to the teacher. The family or student must request this opportunity within two weeks of the original due date.
Communication of Progress
Progress reports will be sent home at least every other week. Remember, you are able to check Infinite Campus 24 hours a day to check your child’s attendance and grades. Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any concerns.
Specialist Grading
Important news from the KCES Specialist expectations.
Textbooks are loaned to students free of charge. Students are financially responsible, however, for lost or damaged books.
Toys and Other Items
Students are not to bring toys, stuffed or live animals, electronic games or other non-academic items to school.
Telephone Calls
Students are allowed to use the telephone in cases of necessity and emergency. Permission must be given by office personnel in order to use the office telephone. Students cannot, however, be called from class to receive a telephone call.
Student Check-Out Policy
Parents who need to remove children from school must report to the office and sign the student out. Students will not be released directly from the classroom. Students will only be released to individuals listed on the student card, so updates are essential when changes occur.